Monday, April 21, 2014

Oberon is for sale!

Well its official, we listed Oberon a week ago and have crossed our fingers and toes that he sells sooner rather then later. Our decision of course, was helped along by the arrival of Gracie. Oberon is a higher maintenance horse than Robert or I really want at this point in our lives, and he will hopefully be going out to another home.

Selling a horse scares me. Writing an ad is challenging. You want to truthfully represent the horse, but you don't want to use vocabulary that will amount to fear-mongering. You want people to be impressed by his accomplishments or look, but also be willing to pay his price. I listed Oberon on the higher side of what I think he might be currently worth. But did I assess his value correctly? I don't know. I might have overestimated based on his tricky little problem with the hind end. I may have underestimated based on his fancy (?) breeding.

Then once you write the ad... there is the showing. I am not capable of showing Oberon to the best of his abilities. (I'm still trying to figure out this outside rein thing) And he is not in work. Maggie stepped up to help me out on Saturday, and got some lovely pictures. Unfortunately the first visitor was looking for a different horse, but I keep crossing fingers and toes. And the sooner the better, feed costs dollars.

In any case, I hope for a speedy sale and limited stress. He looks a little funny in the hind end, which is certainly complicating his sale. He was definitely sound on the day I tried him, but he did show some changed gait in deeper sand when he was at the previous previous farm. I don't think he injured himself in any specific way since I have owned him, but again. No way to know. I guess this is the crux of the issue. Do I waste my money determining if he is permanently lame, or hope for the best and let the buyer make the decisions. So many questions.

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