Wednesday, May 21, 2014

A day in the life

Most people that know me in real life have seen how dedicated to teaching and learning I am. Most people I know have seen me relaxed and attentive, but just as many people have seen me flustered and exhausted. I try to apologize, but its often not enough to apologize for a shortened interaction with someone you see only weekly. With that in mind, I was inspired to write out a short description of my "normal" day, just so my poor friends who are mistreated can have a better understanding of why I am usually exhausted. Another post could certainly detail why I put myself through the insanity...

6:00am- Start trying to wake up, morning routine: shower, breakfast, dog, etc
7:30am- Off to barn: morning feeding and turnout, sometimes chat with owner about plans (long and short term)
8:00-10:00am- Arrive at work and have first cup of coffee. Plan out experiments for the day. Get rolling.
12:00pm- Lunch time in the breakroom or off campus
1:00pm- Afternoon experiments, etc
4:00-7:00pm- Depending on the day, leave work
Next: Pick up Byron and head to the barn. Grab a snack.
6:00-8:00pm- Teach a riding lesson, or ride my own horse, depending on the day.
8:15pm- Feed the horses
8:30-9:30pm- Leave the barn after recapping evening
Next: Find some supper and relax on the couch
10:00-11:00pm- Go to bed

Whew. Its tiring just writing that. As you can imagine, it gets busier with classes and other work things that eat experiment time. I am always brainstorming better ways to manage my time (and maximize riding my own horses). And lucking summer has hit, and I can only be at the barn after 5-6, since its much to hot to be outside before then. How do you manage your busy schedule? What keeps your sanity intact?
Jellybean in her temporary stall

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