Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Five days in a row!!

I had quite the streak going on last week! Knots and I were on fire for sure. Some quick recaps:

Wednesday: Dressage ride. I actually already talked about this ride in the last post.

Thursday: Jump school. I freaked myself out about my beginner novice entry and decided to jump some bigger jumps. I set up a 2'6" course and we had no problems. Knots was calm and cool. We even have a video! It wasn't totally polished, but it was definitely not an awful place. Of course, Robert is my handsome videographer!

Friday: Jumping lesson with Amanda! We worked on a course. We did super well when I was focused, but we either ran at the jump, refused, or chipped in when I stopped focusing. That seems like an easy fix, pay attention! Easier said than done unfortunately. Knots was still pretty chill, he was actually adjustable, which was magical.

Saturday: Conditioning! We canter/galloped four laps of the cross country field. It even rained a little bit, so the ground was softer. Knots started the day at 40 bpm. The first lap went well, he wasn't super forward but he did what he needed to do. The second lap he started blowing. The third lap was hard, and the fourth lap was really really challenging. We cooled out for over thirty minutes before I showered him off and let him rest.

Sunday: I didn't want Knots to stand around after such a hard Saturday, so I hacked him around. We walked, trotted, and cantered around. Mostly we hung out though. I rode in side reins and he continued to be adjustable. Knots moved into a stall in the barn so that he could be on a diet until after the show. Whomp whomp. He is down to two flakes of hay twice a day and a half scoop of the easy keeper feed. He looks sad already...

Monday was a day off for Knots, because I was exhausted from school.

Tuesday he was ridden in a lesson by one of our students. It seems like it went extremely well! He jumped a gymnastic, X one stride to 2' two stride to 2'3. I didn't get to watch, but Maggie said he was very good, just not very energetic.

Knots gets Wednesday and Thursday off, and then we have a dressage lesson on Friday afternoon and hopefully lots of riding Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. I mailed the entry today, so I need to make the time :)

In other news.... what have Jellybean and Gracie been up to while I keep writing about Knots? Stay tuned :)

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