Saturday, January 17, 2015

Jellybean Goes to the Rodeo

So Maggie's son has started hauling to rodeos. He's your normal teenage boy, and while he's too cool to really tell me he enjoys me coming, he is pleased when I show up. And I like spending the day doing horsey things. So this morning we loaded up the trailer and the calf roping horse, his friend's horse, and Jellybean. Because why not...

 So I grabbed her from the pasture and loaded up. She didn't know about the slant layout. So we put her in last, where there is no trailer tie and closed the door ;). She didn't actually mind, but she didn't much love the layout of the trailer. By the way, this makes her "conquered" trailers list include: stock trailer (cow and horse), slant load, and a two horse straightload (or at least that's how it was configured for the ride).

We made it to the rodeo and I unloaded her and then brushed her while we figured out the entry status. Apparently we were a little bit late, so the kid rushed off to rope and we rushed off to watch. He took his two shots at the calves and caught one and missed another. Then it was decided he could enter another division, so we started waiting. Jellybean continued waiting.

And so it went. We got bored watching the breakaway roping and came back and socialized with Jellybean. I banged her tail. She moved all around being impatient.

For the second division, again missed one and caught one. Then we loaded up to head home. Jellybean went in first this time, and didn't have a problem at all. Also didn't have a problem backing off the trailer. Champion I tell you.

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