Thursday, January 8, 2015

The Show Will Go this point...

So the weather took another dip this week. Lows in the 20-30s, highs in the 40s. I definitely wanted to sit in the house with some soup and maybe even some crackers. BUT there is a show scheduled for Sunday.

So far haha. Anyways, I expect the show to be cancelled, but I can't plan on that, so I looked at the calendar. I have a dressage lesson Thursday, cross country schooling on Friday, and the show on Sunday. And so Wednesday was the last likely day to ride. Cue the 20mph winds. I haven't really jumped 2'6" very much lately, but I needed to have a jump school before the show so off we went.

The ride was very mediocre. Knots and I are still having a lot of trouble communicating before the jumps. I tried to work on being relaxed and half halting with my body instead of my hands, but the habit is fierce. We did spend more time regaining calm before jumping, instead of letting him build between rounds. We still have a lot of work to do, and I think its also related to Knot's confidence that he can jump 2'6" and higher. He doesn't get as fussy at lower heights anymore.

On a positive note, I am not usually worried about whether we will clear the jumps. Knots is very capable at this height and he rarely knocks rails, so the main challenge is that I pilot him straight to the jumps and stay out of this way. No dropping him before the fence! So we were in a slightly better place than before, still lots of work to do as we try to become confident at beginner novice this year.

In other news, the ponies get to wear their blankets for the next few days and enjoy the misery outside while I feel guilty about not owning water trough heaters.

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